Welcome to Uncle Carl’s Kitchen! I am Uncle Carl and I’m looking forward to this culinary journey! We’re going to start with barbeque, meat that has been grilled, smoked, and otherwise made delicious. We’ll be using charcoal, propane, and electrical heating sources – all of which have their time and place.
I’ll talk about rubs and sauces – what enhances and what covers up the taste of that delicious, heat kissed meat. And of course, delicious side dishes. You can’t (shouldn’t) make top notch barbeque and accompany it with box mac-n-cheese. You must put as much pride in your side dishes as you do with you barbeque. Otherwise, your meal just isn’t credible. Trust me on that!
Who is Uncle Carl
To start, let me tell you a little about me, my culinary journey, and where I’m going with this. I always considered my style of cooking to be “Dad Cooking.” Not too fancy, solid ingredients, delicious, and able to feed a crowd. You notice I didn’t mention a low calorie aspect to that style. 15 years ago, my brother-in-law coined the phrase that my barbeque came “from Uncle Carl’s Kitchen” – and it stuck.
But I have to give most of the credit for my cooking evolution to my boys, Joey, Michael, and Stephen. No, they didn’t teach me to cook, but they were my inspiration. Raising 3 boys, it was important for my wife and me to know who their friends were. Boys are easy – feed them.
So I started grilling – a lot! I’d let the boys know I was firing up the grill and their friends would show up. I knew who they were hanging out with and I got better on the grill. And that’s how Uncle Carl got started!
How my journey began
In 2005, I decided to get into the realm of smoked meat – brisket, pulled pork, ribs (I could go on and on). The decision to begin with smoking brisket was pure stupidity. You’ll hear plenty of that down the road. Fortunately, I’m a stubborn man, and in time, I conquered brisket. It won’t take you nearly as long as it did me. Like Thomas Edison inventing the lightbulb, I first had to successfully identify all the ways that wouldn’t work before I figured out what does work. With the exception of a few side anecdotes, I’ll simply show you what works!
What to Expect
Moving forward includes you! I will show you things and teach you methods of cooking outdoors and indoors that will having you inviting friends and family over to show them your culinary advances. This of this as the Encyclopedia of Barbecue in the making! But, what I need in return are your feedback, questions, and challenges.
We can try new foods, test equipment, and challenge competing cooking methods. As I mentioned, along with perfecting my barbeque, I dabbled and then took great pride in creating delicious side dishes. From there, my natural progression took me inside, creating delicious meals in the kitchen and the discovery of a cooking method known as Sous Vide. I can’t wait to tell you about that. We can take this wherever you want to go!
Let's do this!
Uncle Carl
About Uncle Carl

For 30+ years, Uncle Carl has relied heavily on the ‘trial and error’ method to perfect his approach to barbecue. He’s here to save you from the ‘error’ and smoke to impress.