So the questions isn’t “which is the best grill?”, the question is “which is the best grill for you?” There are 3 basic types of grills – Electric, Gas, and Charcoal. They’ll all get the job done. In this post, I’m not going to get into cheap vs. pricey grills. You generally get what you pay for. The biggest factor is whether or not the grill fits you. By “fit” I’m talking about your intentions with the grill.
Do you want to minimize your effort so you can hang out with the guests or are you going to be working the grill and have your guests find you? Are you “high tech” or “old school?”
Let me ask you: Do you change your own oil or do you take your car to the shop? Do you fertilize your lawn or do you have a service? There’s no right or wrong answer. They all get the job done. It’s about how involved you want to be.
Looking for a new grill? Let's find your type
First we’ll talk about the Electric Grill. Possibly not the first choice you were thinking of, but they have their place. Most importantly, especially if you’re an apartment dweller, an electric grill is not considered an open flame device – so you can grill on the balcony! In fact, since there are no carbon monoxide fumes coming from an electric grill, you can grill those burgers inside, although It may get a little smoky

Other benefits of the electric grill are they’re generally very portable, your cooking temperature stays very consistent, and unless your power goes out – you can always quickly “fire” up the grill! This is not the case with gas or charcoal. Poor planning with those grills will cause you to finish your barbecue in the oven (very embarrassing). I’ve been there – it happens. For the most part, these benefits of the electric grill aren’t duplicated with a gas or charcoal grill, so this might be the best grill for you!
Perhaps the gas grill fits you best. And when I say “gas” grill, I’m talking about none other the the classic propane grill. There are natural gas grills and converter kits available, but for now I’ll just be referring to propane. Gas and electric are actually similar in your involvement. The gas grill isn’t the plug-n-play option like the electric, but it’s way less demanding than the charcoal grill.

I’ve used gas grill for years with a lot of success. Keep in mind, contrary to electric grills – GAS GRILLS ARE NOT FOR INDOORS! One advantage of gas is the instant heat. The grates have to heat up, but the flames are instantly hot. Also the cooking surface is very controllable with adjustable burners from left to right or front to rear. This is especially helpful when you have chicken or burgers that are in that phase of rendering fat/grease into the flames causing those menacing flair-ups.
The control over the heat and flames with just the turn of a knob is very beneficial over charcoal. And as your food gets closer to complete, you can turn the heat down low and enjoy time with your guests. When it’s time to sear those steaks or char the burgers, just turn those flames up high. So if you like working the grill and appreciate the flexibility and control over the heat, a gas grill may be the best grill for you.
Pro Tip: If you go with the gas grill, make sure you have an extra, full tank on hand. Otherwise you may be setting yourself up for your own walk of shame to the oven.
Now we get to the Charcoal Grill: old school – back to basics – a labor of love! I absolutely prefer the taste of meat grilled over charcoal. But to do it right, you have to be able to dedicate an hour or more to being one with the grill. If you like to get your hands dirty, tinker, problem solve, and soak in the experience – consider the charcoal grill.

From the moment you first light the charcoal to the final clean-up of the grill, you’re in control of your destiny. The final product and joy you’re providing to your esteemed guests is a personal statement of who you are! (too much?) My point is, you’re all in with charcoal. No excuses – just you, the heat, and the meat.
By the way, when starting charcoal, use a charcoal chimney (Click HERE to buy). NO lighter fluid!
At the charcoal grill you have three things to worry about: how much charcoal to use, how far should the grill surface be from the coals, and how much beer is in the cooler. The Charcoal Barbecue Trinity!
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I love cooking over charcoal. It fits me. I love the challenge and the results when I get it right. If you haven’t had a hotdog grilled over charcoal in a while (or ever), do yourself a favor and get on that. The flavor is amazing. You can’t get that from electric or gas.
Which grill suits YOU?
I’ll leave you with this final thought: the grill is only part of the barbecue experience. It’s up to you whether or not you want it to be a large part of the experience, a small part, or somewhere in the middle. So now I ask you, which is the best grill for you?
Until next time -
Uncle Carl
About Uncle Carl

For 30+ years, Uncle Carl has relied heavily on the ‘trial and error’ method to perfect his approach to barbecue. He’s here to save you from the ‘error’ and smoke to impress.